Last night, Jarrad and I were able to go to the Cowboys/Packers game (sorry for the blurry picture). It was my first time to watch the Cowboys play in person. The game was awesome. Jarrad's brother, Nick, gave us his seats because he was out of town. I am so glad that we were able to go! Our seats were awesome - right by the tunnel where the Cowboys run out!
Go Cowboys!!!
When no one is looking...

Happy Thanksgiving
We spent Thanksgiving at the ranch this year. We went out on Thursday, meme and poppy met us there too. Not long after we got there, we started seeing a few snow flurries. The picture above, was taken on Friday morning. We think we got about 5 or 6 inches. It was so beautiful!
Jarrad and I actually went out on Thursday evening to hunt. I froze my butt off, but I'm sure Jarrad was colder than me because he sat in a tripod stand - it snowed the whole time we were hunting!
When a 3-year dresses herself...
...this is what you get!
I wasn't in the mood to argue with her, so I just let her go in public dressed as is.
I was up with Meg last night until 4:15! Not sure what is wrong with her, she just kept saying she didn't feel good. She'd fall asleep for about 45 minutes to an hour, then wake up with this horrible cry/cough. I was finally able to get some Motrin down her around 3:30 and that seemed to let her sleep until 7:00. Hopefully tonight will be better :)
That's not my Poppy
Mom sent me the picture of poppy (see below) today. He had just finished mowing the big yard on the south side of the house and was covered in dust and dirt. She just had to take a picture. When I opened it, I showed it to Meg and the first thing she said to me (in a very "matter of fact" tone of voice) was "That's not my poppy". I told her to look again...then, she said "My poppy is yucky dirty, he smells like a foot."
Swimming Lessons
Megan had swimming lessons tonight. She's doing so good. She needs to work on breath control, but other than that, she's doing awesome! She can swim to her "target", roll over onto her back, swim back to the wall, and jump off the side all by herself. She makes me more and more proud every week!
Love this picture
Is it too early...?

This year, I decided that Megan needed her own Christmas tree in her room. So, we did a little shopping today and couldn't wait to put it up. She had so much fun decorating the tree. Maybe this will help me get in the Christmas spirit. With the 80 degree weekends, it's hard to be in the Christmas spirit.
After we set up Meg's new tree, I wrapped the gifts that I have so far. So, now I have wrapped Christmas presents with no big tree to put them under. This will all be changed tomorrow though - I've talked Jarrad into getting the tree down for me on Sunday! Christmas spirit, here I come.
Lesson learned...don't encourage my daughter to be cute. Her answer to everything is usually, we don't say [insert any word here], we say Oh My Gosh.
Always believe your children...
Tonight, on the way home from swimming lessons, Meg told me that she needed to throw up. The conversation went something like this...
Meg: My tummy hurts.
Me: What's wrong?
Meg: I'm going to throw up
Me: Can you wait until we get home?
Meg: Yes.
Me: OK.
Fast forward to the minute we arrive home...
Meg: My tummy still hurts. (as she's holding her hands over her mouth)
Me: Do you need to throw up?
Meg: Yes.
Turns out, she wasn't fibbing. Apparently, she drank a lot of water tonight at swimming. On top of her tummy bothering her at school today, I guess the pool water did her in.
She's now curled up on the couch with her daddy drinking some Gatorade. She's had a bath, so I hope that she'll be better in the morning.
Trick or Treat
Last night, we went over to the Sandlin's to go trick or treating. We figured Meg would have more fun if she got to go with a friend this year. This was the first year that she didn't see ANY of her grandparents on Halloween - honestly, I'm not sure that she missed them (sorry Meme & Poppy). Below are pictures from the evening. The kids had so much fun!