...Yes, I can!
I had noticed that I was sufering from hearing loss a few months back and decided to go to the doctor. Turns out, I needed surgery to correct the hearing loss. So, I had surgery last Thursday on my ear. The doctor told Jarrad that the surgery went well :)
I'll find out after my follow up appt if the surgery was successful!
Can I hear you now...
Weekend at the ranch
Jarrad, Megan and I went to the ranch this weekend. It was so cold and windy, but at least the sun was out! On Saturday morning, Jarrad went hunting...he didn't even see anything. Later in the morning however, we all went out for a ride and he was able to shoot 4 ducks! Dixie fetched all four out of the pond that was covered with a layer of ice! Jarrad was so proud of her. Below is a picture of the happy hunters (and Megan).
Meg's signature pose
Anytime I ask Megan for a picture, she always tilts her head down and toward her shoulder. Below is a picture I took this weekend at the ranch...followed by a few other pictures from over the past year. What a clown!

I love this face!!!
I know I've said this before, and I can promise I will say it again...but, I LOVE THIS FACE! I think she gets sick of me always taking her picture, but I don't care. I love her beautiful face.

All was quiet!
Last night, I had no parental or wifely responsibilities. I have to admit that the thought of being home alone was too good to be true. After I left work, I ran a few errands, then headed to my home - to enjoy to peace and quiet.
But, after sitting there for a few minutes, I realized that being home alone wasn't all I had made it out to be. I missed Meg being underfoot, having to help with everything. I missed her screaming out "save me, save me" while Jarrad chases her through the living room and into the kitchen. I realize now that on most nights that irritated me (me cooking dinner while Jarrad and Meg get to play isn't fair), but not having it last night reminded me that I should be grateful that I have such an amazing daughter and husband...and, that I should welcome the sweet "save me" opportunities that I have with her. While those moments may disrupt what I'm trying to do at the moment, I will now embrace them instead of become irritated by them. Seriously, SO WHAT if dinner takes an extra five minutes or if I don't get to the dishes right away. Dishes and dinner can wait - my life won't!
My Best Friend!
Jamie and I have known each other since we were about 18-months old. She is the sweetest person I have ever known! I know that we will be best friends for the rest of our lives!
Happy New Year!
I'm so sad to see 2007 go. Last year is a complete blur...I'm sure I have the pictures to sum it up though. Will work on that this weekend and post something soon.