Last night, Jarrad and I went to dinner and watched a movie. After long week, it was exactly what we needed. Seems now, we all (Jarrad, Meg and myself) have a horrible cough. It started with Megan right before her birthday, then Jarrad got in mid-month, and I brought up the tail end this past week. Oh the joys of passing around a "bug".
After Little Gym, we ran a few errands and then headed home. We spent the afternoon hanging out at the house. That included taking a nap, watching Pocahontas, and playing outside with Ace & Dixie. I filled up a few water balloons for Megan, and after she popped those, she played with the water hose...Dixie had the most fun with the hose. Dixie is a crazy little dog when it comes to water. It's hard to keep her out of the hose. Below are a few pictures of today's adventures in the backyard.