Darla and I took the kiddos to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags over the Christmas break. We all had a lot of fun!
Holiday in the Park
Meg's new play set

Fifth 2007 Christmas
We had our fifth and final Christmas celebration on Christmas morning with my family. Of course, Santa visited Megan this year. She was so excited to see everything. She actually asked us "Is all of this for me?" It was so cute. Santa brought Megan a guitar and keyboard. He also brought her a digital camera, a tea set, Disney Princess Dolls, and a cleaning set that includes a mop, broom, floor brush, dust pan and spray bottle for "cleaning solution". She absolutely loved everything. All day, we were offered coffee out of her tea set.

Of course, Mom and dad completely spoiled us this year (as they always do). It was such a perfect Christmas.
It's hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect Christmas season!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Fourth 2007 Christmas
Christmas Eve - a family tradition!
All my life, we had the tradition of spending Christmas Eve at my grandmother's house in San Antonio with my family, and a few of my mom's sister's families. It was something I always looked forward to.
Two years ago, my grandmother passed away, but we've held strong - we're still carrying on family traditions. Although, since I've gotten married, we only spend every other Christmas with my family (my brothers and cousins are all on the same schedule too). So, this year, we went to my aunt Lanie's house to celebrate Christmas Eve.
It was a great evening. We had dinner, visited, and open presents.
Another tradition we had started a few years back was a "wish ball". Every year, we all write down our wishes for the upcoming year, then the following year, we go back and read our wishes. Its so neat to do.
Christmas Traditions
Last year, I started a Christmas tradition with Megan. We decorate cookies for Santa. This year, we did it in SA at my parents house. Aunt Sheryl and Uncle Kyle even decorated cookies with us. Meg did a great job this year - I was very proud of her.
On Christmas Eve day, we decorated the cookies. Then, right before we went to bed, we put them out for Santa with a glass of milk. Meg had picked out her four favorite cookies for Santa.
I hope this is a tradition we will continue in the future!
Third 2007 Christmas
Our 3rd Christmas this year was over at Sandra's house. We had dinner, dessert and opened presents. It was a perfect night. Meg had a blast with Leigh Ann's new dog, Sam Bradley, and running around at Nina's house.

Second 2007 Christmas...

First 2007 Christmas...

Meg was Santa's big helper, passing out every one's presents for him. It was such a great day. One I know we'll all remember.
Merry Christmas
Here is a picture of Megan from Christmas morning. I will post all about our Christmas celebrations soon! We had FIVE!
Dear Santa
Can I get you anything?