...if she's really my daughter!
Tonight, Meg spilled some Doritos in the kitchen and when Jarrad grabbed the vacuum, she just had to get in on the action.
She definitely didn't get her OCD about cleaning from me. Must be a Ramsey trait.
...if she's really my daughter!
Tonight, Meg spilled some Doritos in the kitchen and when Jarrad grabbed the vacuum, she just had to get in on the action.
She definitely didn't get her OCD about cleaning from me. Must be a Ramsey trait.
How did I get this picture??? the conversation went something like this...
ME: Jarrad, take a picture with Meg.
Jarrad: OK
MEGAN: I want to be upside down.
Last night, when we got home from a friend's house, I had to do a little work in my office. Imagine my sweet surprise when I walked into the kitchen only to find Meg doing the dishes! She loves to clean...it's getting her to pick up after herself that is proving to be a huge challenge!
I decided to take a quiz to find out what kind of Mother I am. Interesting results...(my comments in italics)
ENFP —The “Kids R Fun” Mother
“Whatever I enjoy—playing tag or singing in the car—I can do it with kids around. And it’s totally legitimate!”
Playful and energetic (not so energetic, but working on it), the ENFP mother finds her children to be good company and enjoys being with them. In fact, she says being with children justifies her own “being a kid again.” And children say she’s fun to be with — spontaneous, hearty, and imaginative.
Naturally drawn to introducing her children to the joys of life, the ENFP is something of a free spirit (I wouldn't say I'm a free spirit, but I definitely want Meg to have a fun childhood). She is less concerned with rules, routines, and schedules, and more inclined to give her children plenty of free time to play, explore on their own or with her, and have fun together (I couldn't have worded that sentence better myself. I do keep her on a schedule, but do not let our lives revolve around it. If she wants to stay up late, I don't fight her about it).
Tuned in to her children, the ENFP mother enthusiastically encourages each one’s individuality and unique potential through a great variety of experiences. She is also quick to identify with others’ feelings and thoughts, making her an empathetic supporter of her children, not to mention her mate and many, many friends.
To say the least, it's very interesting. I think most people that know me would agree with the above (most of it anyway).
On Friday, my office closed at 3:00, so I decided to pick Meg up early from day care and drag her along while I received a pedicure. She was so good. I even got her finger and toe nails painted while we were there. She did so good. I'd like to say she did great, but we had to have two of her nails fixed because she scratched her leg and messed up her nails. It was no big deal though.
Getting her nails done was a big event. She fell asleep on the way home. Being beautiful sure is hard work!
A few nights ago, Jarrad and I were sitting on the back patio enjoying some adult conversation, when right in the middle of a sentence, I heard the loudest snapping noise I have ever heard...next thing I know, Jarrad is on his back. The chair he was sitting in broke off it's base!!!
Meg is doing awesome at swimming lessons. Every week I'm more and more proud of her.
I'm going to list 10 movies I'm excited to see...however, realize that I probably won't see them until they come out on DVD...except maybe the kid movies.
The weather has been so weird this year...Meg and I have been looking forward to it warming up and it finally has! One of our favorite things to do on Saturdays is have water balloon fights in the back yard. When I'm filling up the balloons, she likes me to make a few "small" balloons, so they won't break the first time they're thrown. They bounce around on the patio like small balls and she giggles with delight while chasing them down. Dixie also loves this time of year. It means that Meg will be playing with the water hose. Dixie can't get enough of the water. We played for well over an hour out back on Saturday. Please let all our weekends be this beautiful. Meg and I love it.
Last weekend Megan painted her own toe nails. She's so independent that she never wants any help. She was so proud of her toe nails. What a cute girly girl she is.
...when you find random pictures on a digital camera??? Yes, that is me and Meg playing at Chicken Red's...not really, she couldn't climb down for some reason, so I had to go get her. These pictures were taken in February while I was taking a week off in between jobs. You can't tell, but poor little Meg was sick, sick, sick. Maybe that is why she couldn't climb down.
My parents came into town on Thursday night and stayed until Monday morning. We had such a great visit. Time always goes by too fast when they're in town.