I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. I have been a wife for 7 years, a mother for 5, a daughter for 30-something, a sister for 30, a friend for 30-something.
Who is this Big girl? I can only see her first pictures w/ Theresa and think where has the time gone? We are not old enough to have girls this old ...are we?
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
I hope you’ve all been doing well, staying safe, and (hopefully) getting
back to some glimpse of normal. I know normal is a relative term, and I
swear, I s...
Kellogg's Cereal in a Cup- a Busy Mom's Dream!
As a working Mom with 7-year-old quadruplets, I am constantly looking for
ways to make life easier! (As you can imagine!)
Most mornings, the Stee...
Elijah turns four
Today was Eli’s fourth birthday. Last night I sat down with him to ask him
a few very important questions. (which he didn’t enjoy all that much)
What’s you...
High Stakes
Today begins the week of STAAR testing for my students. My 7th graders
test today and tomorrow. My 8th graders tomorrow and Thursday. We have
worked all ...
Ethan's Art!
Ethan has done some really neat things in art this year in school. We
signed him up for an after school art class. Can't wait to see what he
creates in th...
Avery has been wanting to cut her hair short for the longest time now. I've
been trying to let her grow it out so we could do something fun with it but
Finally Posting Christmas
Well, like any other year we had a very busy Holiday season. We got to see
and be with tons of family and had a very wonderful time visiting and
making gre...
Casting, Catching & Contemplating
Caleb took the big kids camping a couple weekends ago. With each cast came
a catch.
It is such a treat to see children catching fish- on their own.They...
She is so cute! I love the tutu's--what a fun photo shoot!
Who is this Big girl? I can only see her first pictures w/ Theresa and think where has the time gone? We are not old enough to have girls this old ...are we?
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