So, Meg has not exactly had what I'd like to call a good start to her education. She was so excited about her first day of Kindergarten, but things changed as the week progressed. Her first day wasn't good (we got a note home). As I learned at open house, Meg wasn't having a good experience at all.
Jarrad and I talked about her school situation and decided to give it a week. However, as the week went on, Meg was slowing changing. She was becoming secretive and withdrawn. This was the second week of school, and I could tell that Meg was breaking. She just wasn't herself. Every night, I would lay in bed trying to figure it out.
Monday of her second week was her birthday. She had a "good" day at school. However, on Tuesday, she got a frowning face because she "threw a tantrum on the floor". I didn't get any explanation as to what the fit was about, but decided it was just a bad day. Wednesday, she got card pulls for "not following directions" which resulted in a frowning face.
When I picked Meg up on Thursday, Meg was crying and upset...this was the icing on the cake...on Meg's behavior sheet, I got a note a short jotted down "note" that read "kicked ms mchugh". That was it...nothing else, no explanation, no call home, no detailed note with the situation. When I asked Meg about it, she didn't want to talk about it. I kept pressing and she wouldn't tell me why, but she did tell me that her teacher "was picking on her and bullying her."
I immediately called up to the school to speak to the principal again. Unfortunately, she wasn't available, but her secretary did tell me that she would either have the principal call me on Friday or schedule an appointment.
Long story short, I spoke to the vice principal and principal. They both agreed that the current situation wasn't working and suggested that we move Megan to a new class. So, that was exactly what we did.
Megan started with her new teacher Mrs. Kelly on Tuesday after Labor Day. Meg is her old self again and doing AWESOME in her new class. I couldn't be happier that I followed my instincts. Meg is now having the kindergarten experienced that I had hoped she'd have.
Big Red
“My amazing mullet!” (submitted by Annie)
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1 month ago
I've been wondering how it was going...and I also thought that it sounded like her teacher was picking on her...poor Meg :(
I am SO happy that SHE is happy in her new class! This has to be the best feeling for you, momma! So happy that Meg is her old self again!
I am so happy for you and Meg. I hope she now has the best Kinder yr ever!
Poor Meg! I'm so glad she is doing better. From the note the other teacher sent home, it looked like that teacher was very green and inexperienced.
That's so great! Kindergarten should be a fun year so even though it got off to a rough start it sounds like things will be ok afterall :) Good job mom!
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