
Babies, babies, babies

Meg has been completely obsessed with babies in the past few months.  It’s super adorable to watch her with all her “babies”. 

Sunday night, I was cleaning out the guest room closet and came across two storage bins full of baby bottles.   I was actually packing them up to give to a girlfriend who is pregnant, but Meg asked if she could have a few.  I didn’t see the harm, so I gave her four (one for each baby). 

She was so excited that she fed one of her babies right away.  About 15 minutes later, I found her in the butler pantry, sitting on her stool, feeding the baby again.  When I asked her how she was doing she said to me “This baby is so hungry – she just keeps eating and eating and eating.” 
This was such a precious moment that I had to grab my camera.  I love how she is concentrating on feeding her baby.  She is so tender and loving while caring for her baby.



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