10 Supersitions, Traditions, and/or Personality Quirks
I can't explain some of the things below. I just know that it's what I do :)
- I prefer to sleep facing out of a bed - regardless of what side I'm laying on. If I'm facing in, I feel like I'm being smothered.
- Every year on Meg's actual birthday, we take her to build-a-bear to make a birthday bear.
- I can't stand to have dirty dishes in my sink.
- It still drives me crazy that Jarrad takes his pants and socks off at the same time...leaving his socks stuffed in the legs of his pants.
- I always think of my grandfather and grandmother when I drive by a Whataburger. When I was a little girl, they taught me to "whistle" my fries so they would cool off.
- For Meg's second Christmas, we started the tradition of baking cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve morning. I hope this will carry on for all of our Christmases to come.
- I always hold my breath when driving past a cemetery. Not sure who taught me this, but I still do it.
- I can't sleep with socks on.
- I'm always cold. Jarrad is always making fun of me because I'm always in a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants if I'm in the house. Even during the hot Texas summers.
- I lift my feet off the floor board when going over a rail road track in my car. I know, I'm weird!
Meet Lucy
I know what you're thinking....why would you get another dog. Well, we just couldn't resist that face. She's super sweet and Meg loves her. But, seriously - she's not ours. She lives at the house next door and is always coming under our fence to play with Dixie, Ace, & Meg. Our neighbors have tried everything to keep her out of our yard, but nothing works. She always finds a way.
So far, our neighbors have tried:
- bricks
- electric fence
- a board nailed to the bottom of the fence
Nothing can keep Lucy out of our yard. We don't mind - except when our neighbors are no where to be found and we have to break into the backyard to return her.
Aren't we cute?
Saturday night, Jarrad and I celebrated our FIVE YEAR anniversary by going to the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine. We had an amazing time. While we were there, I talked Jarrad into getting our caricature done. Aren't we cute???
We started the evening off by checking into our room. The, we wandered around aimlessly for about an hour before eating dinner. We ate at the Riverwalk Cafe in the hotel. It was an all you can eat place. They had everything. My favorite part was the snow crab legs :) Jarrad and I could have eaten that all night.
After dinner, we went back to the room so I could change shoes...I'm not cut out for wearing heels all night. Plus, I wanted to put my purse up too. We left the room and headed to the cigar bar so Jarrad could smoke a cigar and we could have a few drinks. After Jarrad smoked, we played two games of pool. I lost both games :(
Sunday morning, we slept in...well, Jarrad was up early and he let me sleep in until 9:15. After I got moving, we ate breakfast at the same place we ate dinner the night before, then checked out of the hotel. We had a wonderful time!
Happy Anniversary Jarrad!
Today Jarrad and I are celebrating 5 years! I can't believe its already been that long. I feel like we just got married yesterday. Tonight, we are taking Meg to boompaw and nawnaw's house and we are going out. We're so excited. I love you, Jar.
Abigail Wray Robertson
Congratulations to my cousin, PJ, and his wife, Joy, on the arrival of their beautiful daughter. She arrived on April 16 at 1:03pm. She weighed 7lbs, 1oz and was 20 3/4 inches long.
Great weekend...
Meg and I had a great weekend. We went to SA and you won't believe this...but, I didn't take ONE picture! I'm so sad that I didn't.
We drove down to SA on Tuesday so Meg could see her Meme and Poppy...they were leaving to go out of town on Thursday, so we decided to go in Tuesday so Meg could hang out with them for a few days. That night, Taylor & Ruth came over to mom and dad's for dinner.
Wednesday night, we went to El Jarro for dinner. It just isn't a trip to SA if we don't go to El Jarro.
Thursday morning, meme and poppy left for the coast. That night, Meg and I went over to Ruth and Taylor's for dinner and a movie...Meg's choice was Dumbo and then Monsters, inc. We really had a great time with some one-on-one time with Taylor & Ruthie. Meg's so lucky to have such a GREAT aunt and uncle.
Friday night, we had the Middleton's over to my parent's house for dinner. I always LOVE seeing Jamie, Lath and the kids. Megan, Maddie and Layton play well together - most of the time anyway. It's always amazing to me that they remember each other even though we only get to see them about two or three times a year.
Saturday afternoon, we went over to Ruth & Taylor's for a baby shower for Tim and Steffani Smith. The shower was great and they really got some wonderful things. I can't wait for the baby to get here. They have opted not to find out what they're having and we all can't wait to find out. We stayed over at Taylor and Ruthie's until about 8:30 or so then headed back to my parent's. Meg actually fell asleep on the way home (which is about a 7 minute drive). I guess the long weekend had finally caught up with her.
Today, we drove back home to Mansfield. I knew it was going to be a long drive when Meg started asking "How much longer" only minutes after we had pulled out of my parent's neighborhood. So, she asked me that same question about every 15 minutes. It made for a long trip - I'm glad we're home.
I'm that girl...
So, I have a confession to make. I'm that girl who - if you're toilet paper isn't coming over the top, I take it off and put it back on the "right way"...


How is it...
...that Megan can have a "tea cup" full of water in the bath tub and not spill a drop, but if I were to give her that in the house it would be all over the place? Today in the bath, she poured clean water out of the spout into a small purple "tea cup". The cup was full to the top. She somehow managed to drink every single drop without spilling anything.
So, imagine I give her the same cup with the same amount of liquid in it outside of the bath tub...do you know what happens? I spend 15 minutes cleaning up spilled liquid. I just don't understand!!!
A Girls Day to Remember :)
Meg and I had an amazing day today. Jarrad went out of town, so Meg and I decided that we were going to have a fun "girls day". So, we started out with breakfast at McDonald's....then, it was off to the Ft. Worth Zoo. It was the most beautiful day, perfect for an afternoon at the zoo. We had such a blast. We saw all the animals there (some twice). We spent 5 hours there. It didn't seem like 5 hours at all. Below is a picture of Megan and I on the train with her friend she met in line.
After the train ride, we made our way up to the cat dens. We were able to see the white tiger - he's absolutely beautiful. Meg loved watching him. At one point, he was playing with the rock in the background like it was a ball. He was batting it back and forth and chasing it when he'd hit it to hard. It was amazing to watch him.As we were leaving the zoo, Meg told me "I'm not sleepy". Famous last words...not 3 minutes later, she was out like a light. So, we came home to let her finish her nap. After her nap, we went to the park so she could ride her tricycle. As she was riding it, I finally decided that she needed a big girl bike. So, we welcomed her new "big girl bike" to the Megan Toy Family tonight. After we left the park, we headed up to Wal-mart to pick out her new bike. It was a big decision. We probably spent close to 45 minutes picking out the perfect bike. I think she's happy with her decision :)

Meg's ABC book :)
Meg and I had bought her some flash cards a while back. She just wasn't that into the flash cards, so I had to come up with a creative way to engage her. She loves to read, so I made her an ABC book using her flash cards. She loves it. I'm amazed at how many letters she's already learned. I'm so proud :)
Roller Skating Meg
Jarrad and I bought Meg her first pair of roller skates this year for Christmas. She hasn't quite firgured it out, but she will! She had a death grip on Jarrad's fingers. She told me that she needs to practice every day so she can get better! What a cutie! Daddy is so sweet to help Meg from the grass where she'd been practicing to the patio.
She isn't letting go of Jarrad's hand until she's sitting on the ground! So cute!
Meg's favorite pose. She's so cute - she learned that from the movie "Stick It". Its one of her favorite movies.
Thank you Megan!
Tonight, while Megan was in my bedroom watching a movie, her RED Gatorade some how made it's way to the carpet. I have to say that she did come and tell me...however, the conversation went like this:
Meg: Puppy knocked over my Gatorade.
Me: Are you saying that you spilled Gatorade?
Meg: No, Puppy spilled it. I've already put him in time out.
Me: Is there Gatorade on my carpet? I don't care who put it there.
Meg: Ummmmm...yes, puppy spilled it.
I rushed into my room only to find that there wasn't one spill, there were two! So, I sent Meg to bed (it was past her bed time anyways) and ran to Walmart to buy the Bissell Spot Bot. OMG - I'm in love with this machine! It got the Gatorade out of the carpet. YEAH!