Meg and I had an amazing day today. Jarrad went out of town, so Meg and I decided that we were going to have a fun "girls day". So, we started out with breakfast at McDonald's....then, it was off to the Ft. Worth Zoo. It was the most beautiful day, perfect for an afternoon at the zoo. We had such a blast. We saw all the animals there (some twice). We spent 5 hours there. It didn't seem like 5 hours at all. Below is a picture of Megan and I on the train with her friend she met in line.
After the train ride, we made our way up to the cat dens. We were able to see the white tiger - he's absolutely beautiful. Meg loved watching him. At one point, he was playing with the rock in the background like it was a ball. He was batting it back and forth and chasing it when he'd hit it to hard. It was amazing to watch him.As we were leaving the zoo, Meg told me "I'm not sleepy". Famous last words...not 3 minutes later, she was out like a light. So, we came home to let her finish her nap. After her nap, we went to the park so she could ride her tricycle. As she was riding it, I finally decided that she needed a big girl bike. So, we welcomed her new "big girl bike" to the Megan Toy Family tonight. After we left the park, we headed up to Wal-mart to pick out her new bike. It was a big decision. We probably spent close to 45 minutes picking out the perfect bike. I think she's happy with her decision :)

1 comment:
Poor bike had to sleep outside! That sounds fun, the Zoo. Is that the train outside of the zoo? I am trying to plan Lawson's 2nd b-day at that train station. I need to call and make that happen. We are so missing you guys, we got to get together soon.
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