While my parents were visiting at the beginning of the month, one morning we loaded up in to the car to head to breakfast. Meg crawled into the very back seat and found The Shack. She immediately picked it up and started "reading". When we asked her how her book was, she informed us that it was a "chapter, not a book."
All weekend, she carried the "chapter" everywhere with her, always referring to it as her "chapter". It was so funny. Thank you Meme and Poppy for leaving The Shack with us. She has enjoyed reading her "chapter".
Another "chapter" I almost didn't blog about
Egg Decorating
Another better late than never!
Meg really enjoyed decorating Easter Eggs this year. She so cute about decorating them. For one reason or another she only likes to dye them. So, I guess it's really Easter Egg dying, not decorating. Either way, she had a lot of fun.
It was so fun to watch her carefully balance the egg on the egg-dipper-thingy and then transfer the egg into the cup (note to self, next year use clear glasses).
Gingerbread house decorating
I don't want to forget this...better late than never :)
The Friday before Easter, Meg and I decorated a ginger bread house. Meg was so excited. Watching her anticipation as I opened the package with all of the wonderful goodies was adorable. With everything I pulled out, she would inquisitively ask me "what's that?" or "can I eat a piece of candy?" or "can I use the blue?".
To my surprise, she waited patiently while I read the instructions (this was my first time). She also decided to "read" the icing packaging as well. She was concentrating so hard, that I had to break away from the instruction reading to snap a few pics of her studying the icing package.
We started with seven pieces of "house" and slowly started the assembly. We put down the base (or floor as Meg would call it), then started with two pieces. Meg was a great helper. She grabbed the front and one of the sides and we went to work. I would put the icing on the base and she would squish the sides down. It took a while for her to figure it out, but I wanted her to do it by herself.
After only a few minutes, we had a house (complete with roof). Now the fun began. Meg went for the yellow icing first and went straight to decorating the roof. At first, she kept asking to see the picture from the packaging, but then decided her way was better. She started with the "point" of the roof and filled in the small gap.

After the "shingles" were in place, it was onto accessorizing. Meg was very particular about where I should put the icing for her duck candy. After all the dots were to her liking, she carefully placed each duck.

I just couldn't resist posting this picture. She is growing up so fast. I can hardly believe what a sweet "big girl" she is turning into!

A few bunnies on the side and some blue icing....oh, wait - she didn't want that there. So, in come the fingers to get the blue icing off. You can imagine where this is going...

Isn't this sweet? Meg's first gingerbread house.

I was so excited
Today, when I went to check the mail, I was excited to see a bigger than average envelope in the mail box. What could be inside? Who sent this wonderful surprise? That's when I noticed it was from the USPS. All the excitement went straight out the window.
My next thought was did I order stamps online? (Answer no). Did I get another invitation returned for a baby shower that has already come and gone? (Answer no). What could it be? So, I rushed into the house to open up this mystery envelope that arrived in the mail. The first thing I pulled out was this. As I held it in my hand, I was thinking...what is this? Curious, I kept digging...

Ahhh, a sweet note from my mailman. What could the USPS have to say to me? Well, I found out! It seams that one of their "automated equipment" machine damaged my mail. Its comforting to know that USPS "knows how important my mail is to me and can certainly understand my disappointment."

Most of the important information was still readable, but I did piece it back together so I could get the intended look of the invitation. After all, the invitation sets the precedence for the wedding style and expectations.
My b-day, what a perfect day!
My birthday was amazing. I worked a half day, then took the other half off to run a few errands and get a pedicure. My pedicure was AMAZING. It was super relaxing and my toes look great now. After my pedi, I had to go get my driver's license renewed. Not exactly what I would call "fun", but since I had put it off for over six weeks, I had to get it done.
After all my errands, mom and dad arrived into town. We left the house to go pick up Meg from day care, then headed to dinner to celebrate. We had such a good time. We went out to dinner at Pappadeaux. Good food and great company is always a winning combination.
We started the meal off with two dozen Texas Gulf Oysters. They were so delicious. Then, we had the Greek salad, which has to be my absolute favorite salad ever. For the main course, I had crab cakes and crawfish bisque. It was so yummy. And, since it was my birthday, we all ordered some desserts. I had key lime pie - which was AWESOME.
At one point, I had to get onto Megan because she wouldn't stay in her chair. This prompted her to turn her chair around and sit with her back to the table. I couldn't help but laugh and snap a picture.
What a GREAT way to celebrate!