WOW! It's amazing how fast a week goes by when you're on vacation. I do have to say that I did everything I wanted to though.
Meg and I left on Wednesday night for San Antonio after I got off work. By the time I got Meg loaded up, both of the dogs and all of our "stuff", it was 6:30 before we got on the road. The ride was mostly uneventful. Meg watched movies, Ace & Dixie slept and I listened to a book on my iPod (actually, a lot more entertaining than it sounds). The worst part of the drive was when I got a speeding ticket at 10:30pm! I was so mad!!
So, Thursday was rehearsal dinner for Beth & Jeff. That afternoon, I got a pedicure and my hair touched up. Rehearsal was awesome - Beth did a great job with how she organized the bridal party - it was very unusual, but worked amazingly!
Friday, was the big wedding :) Beth and Jeff looked amazing as they stood in front of their family and friends vowing to spend the rest of their lives together. Short of a small microphone problem, the ceremony went off with very few glitches...minus Meg shouting out "I want my mommy" when I walked down the isle. But, Jarrad whisked her away and all was good. The reception was a blast - Meg must have danced to every song. And Beth & Jeff looked so amazing!
Saturday, we went to Austin to see Kyle at Cabela's. He invited us up to the store for "Family & Friends" weekend. It's a weekend where the employees family gets their discount at the store. It was very awesome! We got back to mom and dad's house and went for a short swim. Then, we loaded up for dinner at El Jarro (of course). After we got back from "The Jar", Jarrad and I went to meet up with my brother and sister-in-law at some friends house. We stayed out until 2:45am - I couldn't believe we stayed out that late. But, we had so much fun.
Sunday, Kyle & Sheryl came into town, so we cooked out at the house with them, Taylor & Ruth, mom and dad, and the Ramseys. It was a very low key night, but we had a great time. We played washers and sat around talking. We didn't want to do anything too tiring because we were going to Sea World the next day!
Monday was a perfect day. We left for Sea World around 12:45 (after lunch). It was perfect timing. We arrived just in time for a dolphin feeding. Meg fed the dolphins (she said this was her favorite part). After the feeding, we went to the ski show. Meg sat through most of it. After the ski show, we headed over to the sea lion show. She loved that. She sat on Jarrad's lap for the whole show and never moved. After that show, we grabbed a quick bite and then went back to the sea lion show again (different show). After that, we headed to Shamu stadium for the last show of the night. Meg had an absolute blast at that show. It was so adorable! I think I watched her more than I watched the show. She was so mesmerized by everything we saw. It was such an amazing experience for me to be able to see her taking it all in for the first time. I can't believe how quickly she's growing up!
Tuesday, we had to come back to Mansfield. Jarrad needed to get back to work and Meg and I needed to recover from our vacation.
I wouldn't have changed our vacation for anything!
Big Red
“My amazing mullet!” (submitted by Annie)
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1 month ago
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