What a long week it was. I was completely wiped out after the girls weekend! I could have used Monday off to recover. I just can't party like I used to.
Today has been a very long day. I got to the office this morning at 6:15am - YIKES. I'm hoping to go home early, but am sure I won't get out of here before 5:00. Such is life.
We have a busy weekend planned. Tonight, we're going to dinner at Outback - yummy! Jarrad and I always used to eat there (once a week at least) before we had Megan and before we moved. We just don't make it to eat there as much as we'd like. So, tonight we're going. We're both excited.
Saturday, Megan has swimming lessons at 10:45. She loves her swimming lessons. She's doing so great too. I'm so proud of her. After swimming, we have to go get fitted for a Flower Girl dress for Landon & Carol's wedding in September. I'm sure that will be fun (too be continued with pictures). After the dress fitting, we have our "errands" to run, then back to the house for a nap. Saturday night, we're going over to the Sorenson's for dinner. YEAH!
Sunday, we have plans to go to Leigh Ann's new house for Father's Day. We're going to have a late lunch so we don't end up spending all day there.
Big Red
“My amazing mullet!” (submitted by Annie)
The post Big Red appeared first on AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com.
1 month ago
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