Meg was so excited about her v-day party at school this year. It was adorable to watch her getting dressed for school in such a hurry. Usually, Meg eats breakfast at the house, but not last Friday. She was in too big of a hurry to get to school for Valentine's day. I could hardly get her to agree to stand still so I could take a picture.
***Meg being as goofy as always***
***My sweet Valentine***
Of course, Meg had a blast at school on Friday with her friends. On our way home, she was talking to meme...their conversation went something like this:

Meme: Did you have a good time at your valentine's day party?
Meg: I gave myself two Valentine's.
Meme: Did you get any Valentine's from your boyfriends?
Meg: (in a completely offended tone) Meme, I don't have any boyfriends at school, Layton is my boyfriend!"
So sweet, she's so dedicated to Layton :) Poor Layton.
Meg is so cute! She looks just like you. For reading your blog she acts like you, too. Paybacks are hell you know!:) Have a great rest of the week.
Oh what a pretty girl We missed you guys at dance class today!
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