Meg and I went to SA the first weekend of May because my brother and his wife were expecting their first child and we wanted to be there to help welcome him into the world.
We got up first thing on Saturday morning and drove down to SA. Saturday night, Taylor & Ruth came over for dinner. Poor Ruth, she was starting to get miserably uncomfortable. After all, she was 3 days past her due date.
Sunday evening, Meg and I were at dinner with Meme and Poppy when we got "the call". Ruth and Taylor had set out for a walk Sunday night and her water broke. We were all so excited, so we rushed to the hospital to meet with the expecting parents. It was a long night. We arrived at the hospital around 9:30pm. Ruth was getting checked in when we arrived, then was moved to a L&D room.
We set up camp in the family waiting room and hunkered down for a long night. Luckily, on our way to the hospital from dinner, we had time to pick Meg up some coloring books and other stuff to keep her occupied. We also ran to the house to pick up the portable DVD player.
Right after Ruth was admitted to L&D, I took Meg back to see Auntie Ruthie and Big Unk. Meg asked about everything in the room from the monitors, to the white board, to the baby warmer thingy. We only visited for about 10 minutes, because Ruth needed her rest for the long night ahead of her!

The next morning, while we were still waiting to hear about Luke's arrival, we used Megan and a family friend's little girl as entertainment. We played the quiet game (which, lasted longer than any of us would have expected), then this fun game that Jeff came up with...the girls are holding cup lids on the wall with their noses. It was very entertaining!!!
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