Right before Christmas, we cleaned out the play room (we purge toys before birthday and Christmas every year). One of the things Meg wanted to get rid of was her Dora Dora Kitchen. She said it was too little for her and that she wanted one with a microwave. I explained to her that there wasn't anything wrong with the Dora kitchen and that I couldn't promise that she would get a new one. It didn't seem to sink in - she still wanted to part with the Dora Kitchen.
Christmas came and went and she never really mentioned a replacement kitchen (thankfully). Then, on Sunday night, our neighbor (one of Meg's friends) put this out on their driveway. Of course, the desire to have a kitchen came crawling back. She just had to have it. After talking to her friend, she found out that they were going to get rid of it. Her friend then told her that she could have it.
We walked over there today and brought it to the house. I set her up in the driveway with a bucket of soapy water and told her that before we could bring it in, we had to clean it. She was so excited about cleaning. Of course, we all know how much she loves to clean, so that wasn't a huge request.
New Kitchen
Girls Weekend
Jarrad went out of town this weekend. so Meg and I had a girls weekend. Of course, it wasn't super fun because we were both sick, but we made the best of it.
Friday afternoon, I took Meg to Michael's Craft Store to buy a craft project that we could do while daddy was gone. She chose a spiral painter. Friday night, we ordered a pizza, painted with her spiral painter, watched a movie, then headed to bed.

***more paint***

***so pretty***

***one of Meg's masterpieces***

Saturday, I took Meg to the movies to see Hotel for Dogs. She loved it. Of course, she loves any movie that has dogs in it. After the movie, we went to Borders Bookstore, snuggled up in a chair with our hot chocolate and read a few Fancy Nancy books. It was such a great day, just the two of us.
No more flu shots for Meg! EVER!!!
Poor Meg, she has had a rough week. Saturday, she spent the night with Boompaw and Nawaw. Then, we met them for dinner on Sunday to get her back. She was overly tired when we got home, which is usually the case with her after she spends time at Boompaw and Nawnaw's house.
Monday, her day care was closed for teacher in service, so she stayed home with me. Hailey came over to play for a while, then we went to lunch with Hailey, Jessica, and Haiden.
When we got home, Meg's friends were outside playing. She asked if she could play and I told her no. She needed to come in and lay down. She didn't even argue. That should have been a red flag. When she woke up from her nap, she was running a low grade fever, but I decided to let her go to swimming anyway.
On Tuesday morning, I let her sleep in before I took her to school. I dropped her off around 9:30 and the school called at 11:00 to tell me that she was running a 102.7 fever. I don't guess I'll be mother of the year for sending my baby girl to school with a fever...but, when I took her she wasn't running a fever.
I picked her up and we went to urgent care. A few hours later, we were able to see the doctor and turns out my child has the flu. Yes, the dang flu! We are on house arrest until Sunday.

***Does this look like the face of a child with the flu***

***my sweet angel***

Tuesday was a pretty bad day. After we went to Walgreens, Meg laid on the couch all day curled up under a blanket watching movies and dozing in and out of sleep. While we were at Walgreens, Meg picked out some press on nails. Of course, when we got home she had to put them on. Below are some pictures of her sleeping in her new nails. I had to get the below pictures because of the way she is hold her hands. I love how she's holding her hands up so she doesn't "ruin" her nails. too cute!
V-day Party Day!
Meg was so excited about her v-day party at school this year. It was adorable to watch her getting dressed for school in such a hurry. Usually, Meg eats breakfast at the house, but not last Friday. She was in too big of a hurry to get to school for Valentine's day. I could hardly get her to agree to stand still so I could take a picture.

I was so sad...
...when last Thursday, I told Megan that we were going to celebrate v-day with her that night. I was in my office, wrapping up for the day and Meg was playing with her friends in the house. The next thing I know, I hear the music from the jewelry box that we had gotten her for v-day playing from the living room. I walked in and this is what I found. I wanted to cry. Meg had decided that she didn't want to wait to open her gifts...so she didn't.
The good news is that she loved all of her presents. I just didn't get to see the look on her face when she opened them - which is my favorite part. O'well, I know now to hide her gifts until I'm ready for them to be opened.
Weekend continued...
When Poppy is in town, he has a list of "must eat" places. I've posted about his ways before. Click here for a refresher. Every visit is the same, we hit Outback Steakhouse, Mexican Inn, Mamas Pizza, Braum's, and Chicken Express. This visit, we only hit two of dad's favorites, I'm sure he was disappointed, but he survived.
I took Friday off to hang out with Meg and Meme. Poppy had to go to Dallas for a business meeting in the morning. It worked out perfect because Meme and I were able to drag Meg around to a few places we had to go. We hit Target to pick up a baby gift for a family friend, then went to Barnes & Noble. Meme and I both knew exactly what we were looking for. She wanted a book about the tricks her iPhone will do and I bought "5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter", so we were in and out. After Barnes and Noble, we headed to Lamps Plus. Since Jarrad and I bought a new bed, I needed new night side lamps. Our bed is too high, so our old lamps just looked silly. We found the perfect lamps - they wall mount lamps and we both LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!
After the morning shopping, we met Poppy for a lunch. Poppy suggested Applebees, so Meg, Meme and I headed over there. As we were walking into the restaurant, we saw Poppy's truck, so we knew he was right behind us, so we expected him shortly. The wait seemed a little long, then Meme's phone rang. Poppy said he was in the restaurant and couldn't find us. We told him where we were sitting...and then asked him if he was at Applebees or On The Border. Turns out he wasn't even at the right place. Meme and I laughed at Poppy's "senior moment".
On Friday night, we went to Outback - had to at least check that off his list. We always have a good meal at Outback. I think that is why Poppy always has that at the top of his list. After we had all eaten entirely too much, we came back to the house for some bowling. Poppy is so addicted to the Wii that my parents actually bought one when they got back to San Antonio on Sunday. (On a side note, I'm happy to report that Poppy bowled a 228 yesterday afternoon - he's so proud).
Saturday, we went to Bass Pro Shop, Rain Forrest Cafe for lunch, then to Cabelas. We were gone all day long. My dad was looking for something particular...neither Bass Pro or Cabelas had it. Poor Poppy.
Meme and Poppy Visit
Last weekend, Meme and Poppy came to visit. We were so happy to have them for a long weekend. They got to the house around 4:00 on Thursday afternoon and stayed thru Sunday morning. It was a great weekend.
Thursday night, we took them to eat sushi. They are both such rookies...their favorite was the California roll. Although, they did try everything we ordered. I think they had a good experience, but I don't think they'll be going to eat sushi on their own.
After the sushi dinner, we came back home to play some golf, followed by a friendly game of bowling. Dad and Jarrad played a quick three holes of golf. Poppy was so funny. He completely over analyzed every move he made. It was great to see him having so much fun with a video game.

***Final Score. Go Poppy***

After the quick golf game, it was time to bowl. I sat the first few games out so I could take some pictures from the comfort of my recliner (I was doing my bone stimulator). Of course, as mentioned above, Poppy was over analyzing everything. Meme's first game wasn't great, but she figured it out quick and was throwing strikes like a crazy woman. We all had a great time. Jarrad got out some pretzels and was drinking a beer - he said it felt just like the real bowling alley.