1. How often do you wash/change your sheets? I try to do it once a week. I love, love, love the feel of clean sheets :)
2. When is your birthday? April 2, 1977
3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life? No.
4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney? Brad Pitt before Angelina Jolie. She made him less attractive to me!
5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be? My tummy - no matter what size I've been, I've always had a "pooch".
6. How often do you wash your hair? Every day. Sometimes twice a day now that I'm working out.
7. Do you have pets? Yes, two dogs - Dixie, a yellow Lab & Gunner, a weimeraner - and a Goldfish named Boompaw.
8. How many social networks do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be? 3...Blogger, Facebook and Myspace. I could easily give up Myspace since I don't use it much any more.
Aw, fun! I looove clean sheets, too--one of my favoritest things. Ever.
Hey Allison! It's Amy Bumpus Harlien from Tarleton!!! I found you through Laura Sharp's blog...Laura's sister in laws, Brandi and Sandi, are my best friends from Lampasas! Such a small world! I have sooo enjoyed looking at your blog...fun seeing pics of Sweet Meg and Jarred! You have a sweet family! Please tell Jarred that Amy and Michael say hello!
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