Jarrad had to leave out on Monday, so before his flight, we went to the Texas State Aquarium. Jarrad, Megan, Kyle, Sheryl, and I headed into Corpus after breakfast.
Meg was very excited about going to the aquarium. Kyle and Sheryl had been to the aquarium before, I was so excited to experience it thru Megan’s eyes.
***Meg at the entrance***

***Meg with a turtle***
***Kyle, Sheryl & Meg***
***Isn’t this guy cute***
***Meg, looking at the alligator***
***Meg and Daddy touching stingrays***
***Meg loved, loved, loved this dolphin***
***Kyle, Meg, Mommy & Daddy***
***The Family***
***Meg and the otter that Uncle Kyle bought her***
We had a wonderful time at the aquarium. After the aquarium, we had to take Jarrad to the airport. We were sad to see him go home a day early, but it was important for him to get back home to see one of his oldest friends that was in town for the day on Tuesday.
After dropping Jarrad off, we headed back to the house in Port A for our last afternoon of vacation. The wind was so bad that we decided to head to one of the pools instead of fighting the “breeze” at the beach. We had a wonderful afternoon.
Monday night, we cooked burgers and stayed in. After dinner the Boones/Koppes came over and we sat out on the balcony telling more stories and laughing. It was a perfect ending to the perfect family vacation!
Tuesday morning, we had to pack up and head back to the real world! I was so sad to leave, but am glad we have such great memories. I hope that family vacation is something we will do as the years go on!