Meg loves music. She is always borrowing my iPod to play music outside while she plays in the backyard or in her play room. Last year, for Christmas, my parents gave Megan an MP3 player and she LOVED it. She always knows where it is and loved strutting around the house with her ear phones and her "my iPod".
This year, Meg was in total shock when she opened her gift from Meme and Poppy. They gave her a small pink music speaker that will play the songs that I uploaded on her very own iPod Shuffle. She was so excited. When we went to run a few errands on Saturday, she wore her iPod and listened to her music the whole time. I took her to Best Buy to buy her some headphones that would fit in her little ears.
Her own iPod shuffle!
My baby is FIVE
Five? Is my baby really already five? How have five years already gone by? If only time would slow down, it's going by too fast.
I feel like it was just yesterday that we welcomed Megan into the world. She was born at 12:45am (after 27 hours of labor) and weighed 7lbs 11.5 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She had a beautiful head of brown hair that the nurse put in a mohawk. It was adorable.
I remember the first few months, just letting her lay in my lap and watch her sleep. Meg was such a GREAT baby. By the time we came home from the hospital, she was sleeping six hours a night and was on a pretty good schedule.

Before I knew it, my baby turned one. She was into so much at one. She was walking, climbing, running, getting into anything and everything she could get her hands on.

At two, she was the sweetest thing in the world. We never had the "terrible twos" thank goodness. She a was kind, sweet, loving and caring toddler who had never met a stranger.

At three, my child became someone else's child. She became head strong, defiant, and a temper-tantrum throwing queen. She still had her moments of being sweet and loving, but only when it served a purpose.

At four, Meg turned a corner. She was sweet again, with very little tantrums, although she started whining and whining and whining.
***Meg at 4***

***4th b-day party***

This morning, she turned FIVE. I still can't believe it's already been five years. She seems so grown up. She's in kindergarten (hopefully her year will be better than her first week was). She's totally into HSM, her iPod shuffle, playing with her friends and being a girly girl. I can't wait to see what this year holds for us.
What a week...
Meg was so excited about going back to kindergarten the second day. I loved her enthusiasm. She woke up before I even had a chance to go into her bedroom. She only put on her one outfit this morning and was super excited about it. I tried to talk her out of it since it was long sleeved, but she insisted.

Tuesday, when I picked Megan up from school, she seemed a bit off. I wasn't sure what was going on. I asked her how her day was and she gave me a "fine". I asked her if she made any new friends and she said "no". I asked her who she played with on the play ground and she said "no one". After all the questions, Meg said to me "What happens at kindergarten, is my secret."
After school on Wednesday, the questions and answers were much of the same. I couldn't figure out what was going on, but the more I pressed, the more withdrawn she seemed. I just figured I'd talk to her teacher on Thursday night at Open House.
Thursday afternoon, my parents got into town and went to pick Meg up with me from school. Meg was so excited to see Meme & Poppy.
That night, we all went to open house...when I walked in, I was SHOCKED at what I saw!!! Actually, shocked is an understatement. All of us were.
There were four round tables with four chairs at each table. On the tables, there were names at each seat. I noticed one small desk far removed from the group of tables...on the table there was a name assigned seat - separated from the group, isolated in the back, "removed" from the other students.
The name on the label was Megan...yes, my child had been separated from all the other students, she has been isolated, removed. After the teacher gave her speech, she asked if there were any questions.
A few parents asked some questions, then I asked about the desk. Ms. McHugh simply told me that she was given 17 students and there was only space for 16 students at the round tables and Meg was given a seat there "by luck of the draw".
I then asked if it would be a rotated seat...she said "yes". Meme and poppy heard her say that it would be rotated every six weeks (I didn't hear her say that).
I could tell Jarrad was upset by the whole situation because he got real quiet. We went to dinner with my parents, and it's all we could talk about. We had so many questions and no answers!!! That night as Jarrad and I got into bed, we decided that I needed to go speak to the teacher about it.

I couldn't sleep a wink - I tossed and turned all night. I was never so happy to hear my alarm go off. I bounced out of bed, and gathered my thoughts. I walked Meg into class and asked Ms. McHugh if she had a few minutes to talk to me.
I was calm and simply stated that "I couldn't accept Meg's desk being separated from the rest of the class". What came out of her mouth next was a total surprise to me...she said "Well, the real reason Megan is sitting at that desk is because she was talking excessively." I couldn't believe it, Megan was sitting alone because she was being punished. I had received no notes telling me that Megan was being disruptive in class.
I told her that I couldn't accept Megan being isolated because she was bad...that it wouldn't teach Megan that there is a time to talk and a time not to talk. Ms. McHugh then said "well, since I moved her over there, I haven't had any problems with her". I couldn't believe she said that - seriously, if the child has no one to talk to, of course there won't be any problems.
After talking for a few more minutes, Ms. McHugh agreed to move another student to a desk next to Megan's. I figured this solution was better than nothing, but wasn't thrilled about it. I left the class and came home and cried.
I felt like I had failed Megan. Her experience in the first week had been horrible. She had been given an assigned seat separated from the group on the second day of school. My heart was breaking in a thousand little pieces.
I just couldn't let it go, so I called the principal. The principal couldn't believe what she heard when I had told her the whole story. She was very understanding and assured me that the situation would be fixed.
That afternoon, I got to the school early to pick Megan up because I wanted to introduce myself the principal. Unfortunately, she wasn't available. So, I waited in the foyer for Meg to be released from class. You should have seen her. She was so happy, so full of life. When her teacher saw me, she spoke to me. She told me that she was very sorry and that Meg had been moved to a table with the other students.
So, for now, the situation is "fixed", but I will be working to help out during lunch this week to make sure that things are going well. I don't want to be "that mom", but I also want Megan to have the same experiences and opportunities that the other children have.
I Trust You'll Treat Her Well
Her First Day...
It seems that there was an incident at school on her first day...I couldn't believe it when I opened the parent/teacher folder and saw the following note.
First Day of Kindergarten
Today was Meg's first day of kindergarten. I can't believe how fast (almost) five years have gone by! (she actually won't turn five until next Monday) It seems like just yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. Meg has been so excited about starting kindergarten. I think it's the only thing we've talked about this summer.
After my alarm went off this morning, I laid in bed thinking about how Meg's life is going by so fast. I just wish that time would slow down.
I walked into her room and found her sleeping so peacefully. I woke her up early this morning because I thought it would take a while to wake her up. I was wrong. She was out of bed as quick as possible.

As soon as I told her it was time to wake up, she bounced out of bed and was ready to start getting changed. I love how she still looks so sleepy in these pictures, even though she's getting out of bed and starting to change out of her jammies.

***starting to get undressed***

After I told her that she needed to eat breakfast, brush her hair and teeth before she got dressed, she climbed back into her bed. She was still half way asleep, but was so excited about kindergarten that she didn't want to go back to sleep.

It didn't take long for her to "wake up". She was being a total ham for the camera (which I love). I only took 53 pictures this morning :)

Meg's backpack was loaded with all of her school supplies. I think it probably weighed more than her. I love how she's leaned forward so it won't pull her over. I'm glad that the only thing that has to stay in her backpack is a change of clothes and a purple folder. Otherwise, she'd develop back problems.

Meg couldn't wait to get to school this morning. Every 2 minutes, she was asking Jarrad and me if it was time to go yet. Meg changed outfits 3 times by the time we got to school. She started off in a cute black dress with some little "heels". Then, she decided she wanted to wear a skirt and tank top. So, she changed into a blue tank top with a white tank top underneath. She wore her new tennis shoes with her outfit.

Look at this face, she is so ready to get to school. I can't believe how big she looks! Such a big girl already. I know that time isn't going to slow down...and, from what I've heard, it only goes by faster now.

***Getting ready to get out of the car at school***

As we walked thru the hallways at Meg's school, I couldn't help but notice all the other parents. Some where happy, others looked a little sad, others seemed to be unphased by all of the emotions flying around. One man was crying and I overheard his wife tell him "She's going to be just fine. I promise." It was very touching to see a father upset about dropping off his little girl.

***Meg & Miss McHugh***

***Meg and mommy***

American Girl
Thursday, I took a half day of work off to take Megan to American Girl. I wasn't sure if she'd be interested or not, but she LOVED it!!! The store is so big that it was all a little overwhelming. We must have walked thru the store 3 or 4 times and there are probably things we still didn't see. We spent about 1.5 hours picking out the perfect doll for Meg.
After we walked thru the store, I told her that I would buy her a doll for her birthday present from me. Her face lit up and she was super excited. After we walked thru the store again, she decided on a "Just Like Me" doll. As you can see from the pictures, the doll does look Just. Like. Her!
The smallest room in the house
My office is one of the smallest rooms in our house. I sit in it every day from 8:00 - 5:00...even when I'm alone, I feel the walls closing in on me. Megan and the dogs have decided that my office is now their favorite place to get some r-n-r.
Gunner and Megan take up residence under my scrapbook desk, while Dixie usually sleeps at my feet under my computer desk. To say it's a bit crowded would be a HUGE understatement. However, it does allow me to get some pretty cute pictures!!!