Five? Is my baby really already five? How have five years already gone by? If only time would slow down, it's going by too fast.
I feel like it was just yesterday that we welcomed Megan into the world. She was born at 12:45am (after 27 hours of labor) and weighed 7lbs 11.5 oz and was 19.5 inches long. She had a beautiful head of brown hair that the nurse put in a mohawk. It was adorable.
I remember the first few months, just letting her lay in my lap and watch her sleep. Meg was such a GREAT baby. By the time we came home from the hospital, she was sleeping six hours a night and was on a pretty good schedule.
***Meg laying in my lap at the hospital***
***so adorable***

Before I knew it, my baby turned one. She was into so much at one. She was walking, climbing, running, getting into anything and everything she could get her hands on. 

At two, she was the sweetest thing in the world. We never had the "terrible twos" thank goodness. She a was kind, sweet, loving and caring toddler who had never met a stranger.

At three, my child became someone else's child. She became head strong, defiant, and a temper-tantrum throwing queen. She still had her moments of being sweet and loving, but only when it served a purpose.

At four, Meg turned a corner. She was sweet again, with very little tantrums, although she started whining and whining and whining.
***Meg at 4***

***4th b-day party***

This morning, she turned FIVE. I still can't believe it's already been five years. She seems so grown up. She's in kindergarten (hopefully her year will be better than her first week was). She's totally into HSM, her iPod shuffle, playing with her friends and being a girly girl. I can't wait to see what this year holds for us.

Before I knew it, my baby turned one. She was into so much at one. She was walking, climbing, running, getting into anything and everything she could get her hands on.
***my 1-year old***

At two, she was the sweetest thing in the world. We never had the "terrible twos" thank goodness. She a was kind, sweet, loving and caring toddler who had never met a stranger.
***Meg and Poppy***

At three, my child became someone else's child. She became head strong, defiant, and a temper-tantrum throwing queen. She still had her moments of being sweet and loving, but only when it served a purpose.
***Meg at her 3rd b-day party***

At four, Meg turned a corner. She was sweet again, with very little tantrums, although she started whining and whining and whining.
***Meg at 4***

***4th b-day party***

This morning, she turned FIVE. I still can't believe it's already been five years. She seems so grown up. She's in kindergarten (hopefully her year will be better than her first week was). She's totally into HSM, her iPod shuffle, playing with her friends and being a girly girl. I can't wait to see what this year holds for us.
I'm going to go eat lunch with her at her school. She knows I'm coming, but doesn't know I'm going to bring her a happy meal :) She'll be so excited.
***Meg on her 5th b-day***
It's amazing how much she has changed--even from last year's photo!
Happy 5th Birthday, Meg!
Happy Birthday! Wow, 5 years old. It goes by so fast, doesn't it? She really does look like such a big girl. I'm glad her birthday party was a success!
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