Last Friday, Meg's school was hosting a Fall Festival at the school. Earlier in the week, I had extended an invitation to Hailey & Jessica...unfortunately, Jessica's school was having their Fall Festival, so she wasn't able to come. I asked her if she would let us take Hailey...she said of course.
So, after school on Friday, Meg and I went over to Hailey's day care to pick her up. We came back to the house, had a quick bite for dinner, then got ready for the party.
Last year, one of the little girls in our neighborhood was a vampire and Meg has wanted to dress up as a vampire since then. I thought for sure that she would forget over the year, but she didn't. She knew what she wanted to be and that was that.
So, we bought the costume and the make up. Surprisingly enough, Meg sat very still when I was applying her make up. With every stage I finished, she would check her make up in the mirror. Her excitement was so adorable!
Hailey was Hannah Montana, so I put a little bit of eye shadow on her. After applying the make up, it was time to get into costumes. Since Meg went first with make up, Hailey had to be first with the costume. After Hailey was all dressed up, Meg got into her costume and we were off...
A little side note, these two girls are so funny with each other. Everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is a competition. Who can get into the car first, who can sit in their car seats first, who gets to hold which stuffed animal, who gets their food first....the list goes on and on and on. It's very adorable, but sometimes they get upset with each other. Jessica and I both tell them the same thing "Work it out yourselves". They always seem to work it out. I hope that they will always have this relationship.
As we were heading out, I had to snap a few pictures. The pictures didn't turn out very well, but the girls were still cute!!!

***Sweet Hailey***

***Meg - the Princess Vampire***

***the cake walk at Meg's festival***

***I loved how she was concentrating so hard on the tiles***

***Hailey too, in the background***

After Meg's school's festival, we headed over to Jessica's Day Care Center for her Fall Festival. We had a little time in between festivals, so Hailey, Meg & I went to the house first to get them changed out of their costumes. I didn't want to run the risk of the girls tearing or ruining their costumes.
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